I want to be able to look my daughter in the face when she learns about the DEMS positions on rebuilding Iraq and our attempt to liberate and bring Democracy and freedom to the middle east. I want to be able to answer her question when she wants to know how I reacted when I saw the General BETRAY US ad in the New York Times. I want to be able to look myself in the mirror and know I am not hearing things when the DEMS now say they supported this effort all along. We are right (again) and I want to answer my daughter correctly when I tell her than I was on the right side!
Iraq will be the DEMS undoing... Well, Perhaps not due to the revisionist mainstream media who never fails to call DEMS and LIBS out for being proven so wrong on so many items. (See also the Cold War, Losing 10,000 troops the first week in Iraq, pulling out of Vietnam, opposing the 1664 Civil Rights Bill, the "Betray Us" ad, the smearing of Mitt Romney's religion, etc).
I love the good news out of Iraq - I love how America is finally seeing the DEMS for what they are - gutless and weak when it comes to supporting this country and what it stands for - liberty!
I often say America is not the problem, we are the solution. Here are some brilliant "Eat Crow" or "Stick this" cartoons on the subject of Iraq and how ridiculous Democrat "leaders" look.
How did we let this stand? That ad was so blatantly anti American and absolutely ridiculous! Weeks later remember that ABC refused to run an ad supporting our troops! Ah the mainstream media - great aren't they?
And the ultimate irony (sorry Alanis) when it comes to out troops and what they possibly could be thinking about the media, Democrats...
Man oh man I hope Hillary gets the nomination because it is going to be AWESOME to bring up all of the flip flops and outright lies she has told in public statements and in congress. Go to www.boortz.com and check out the compare Hillary quotes to the Communists of the world. It is sassy!! HA HA
The Congressional Democrats have (once again) painted themselves into a corner in attempting to drum up the latest “Get Bush” scandal.In keeping with their notion that Americans have absolutely no attention span or memory to speak of, the DEMS are now calling for investigations and inquiries into the destruction of CIA video tapes of waterboarding & interrogations of terror suspects back in 2005.These are nothing more than Stalinist show trials in today’s America.
I would point out the other colossal backfires of the DEMS (the surge wont work, the Limbaugh smear, the General “Betray-Us” NYT ad to name a few) but it would do absolutely no good.
Apparently we all really don’t hold these officials accountable for anything they say, do or vote upon.How else can we describe the boldfaced lies and utter incompetent hypocrisy these people lay out for us?Democrat leaders either feel so superior to the public that they arrogantly feign ignorance over THEIR own statements and votes, or they are outright liars…
It is now known that many of the same people attempting to create the CIA tapes scandal were PRESENT at CIA security hearings describing the very actions they now publicly denounce!Let me restate… THEY ARE LIARS!The CIA director specifically told these members of congress exactly what they were doing.
Yet, long before “waterboarding” entered the public discourse, the CIA gave key legislative overseers about 30 private briefings, some of which included descriptions of that technique and other harsh interrogation methods, according to interviews with multiple U.S. officials with firsthand knowledge.1
With one known exception, no formal objections were raised by the lawmakers briefed about the harsh methods during the two years in which waterboarding was employed, from 2002 to 2003, said Democrats and Republicans with direct knowledge of the matter. The lawmakers who held oversight roles during the period included Pelosi and Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) and Sens. Bob Graham (D-Fla.) and John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.), as well as Rep. Porter J. Goss (R-Fla.) and Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan).1
Nancy Pelosi lied to Chris Wallace of FOX News in an OCT 7 interview.She was BRIEFED back in 2002 by the CIA!Unbelievable.2
WALLACE:The president now says that the leadership, the Congress, was fully informed and that this is not torture.
First question: Were you ever briefed about this policy or the secret Justice Department memos?
PELOSI: Well, in order to know if I’m briefed about it, I’d have to be briefed about it now. What exactly is the president talking about? Yes, let me get my credentials right out there. I’m the longest-serving member of Congress on the intelligence committee, both on the committee and ex officio as a leader. So we have been briefed on some tactics used by the administration.
But I’d have to see what we’re talking about here, because this is — all I know is what I’ve read in the New York Times.
Naturally. So the longest standing member of the intelligence committee is a partisan hack, a proven liar, and an avid New York Times reader. Pelosi no doubt has the op-ed page placed daily under her pillow. And apparently drinks a bottle of “shame eliminator nectar” and “accountability abandonment elixir” each morning before heading off to the House to undermine our country.
Just for laughs you should all review the credibility meter on the congressional Democrats sometime soon. You will be amazed at the audacity they all have. On my sports radio program this morning the host was incredulous as to how Isiah Thomas still had his job coaching the Knicks after an $11 million settlement was paid to a woman he sexually harassed. "How does this happen?" the host lamented... and then I stumbled across this gem:
So to answer the question posed in the title of this essay, it is undoubtedly a resounding “YES!”As we play along with our blinders on.